Project Mentoring
To connect couples desiring discipleship with couples who are further along in their marital relationship and want to pour into a younger generation.
"We loved you so much that we were delighted to
share with you not only the gospel of God but our lives as well."​​
- 1 Thessalonians 2:8​

1. Coach - PRM coaches take the PREPARE/ENRICH Inventory and attend the mentor training. They also help connect mentors and mentees and oversee up to five mentors.
2. Mentor – PRM mentors take the PREPARE/ENRICH Inventory and attend the mentor training. They also commit to meet with their mentee for a minimum of six months. During this time mentors give their coach monthly progress reports and rely on their coach if problems, questions, or concerns arise.
3. Mentee – PRM mentees pay the fee (approximately $25) to take the PREPARE/ENRICH Inventory and share the results with their mentor. They also commit to meet with their mentor for a minimum of six months.
Three Tiers of Project Mentoring
If you are interested in serving as a mentor or being mentored, please contact us through the form below.